787-900 vs the A350-900

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787-900 vs the A350-900

Post by BMIScrumpy »

Hello everyone o/

Not sure if this is due to balancing both aircrafts, but why is it with Fsairlines, the 787-9 have a longer range than the A350-900 Despite multiple websites saying the otherwise??

https://airinsight.com/comparing-the-ai ... ing-787-9/

Thanks in advance and I look forward to hearing the answers and reasons :)
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Re: 787-900 vs the A350-900

Post by joefremont »

Those sorts of comparisons annoy the hell out of me, as they are showing range with 'typical' payloads, which for our purposes is completely useless, we need absolute maximum range with normal fuel. If you want to change the data on an aircraft do you research properly, which for airbus and Boeing usually involves using their airport planning documents, find the range table and submit a change on the website that contains proper references.
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Re: 787-900 vs the A350-900

Post by BMIScrumpy »

Thanks for your reply, I can imagine with all the aircraft it would be a pain in the arse to try to get 100% accurate information.

Decided to betray Airbus and use the 787-9 on long hauls as their is nothing reliable for the A350 yet as the only freeware I found... I crashed... hmm thanks for all the hard work you and the team put in! Loving this addon!!
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