Group Flightplan issue

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Group Flightplan issue

Post by ep-irl » Tue Feb 13, 2018 10:50 am

Up to a few weeks back, when a group of pilots would like to fly the same route together, we would all select our own individual aircraft's, which are at the same airport in fsairlines, the same (one entry only in the flightplans) route is selected and each pilot picks their own aircraft (important),

then over teamspeak we would time the "press continue" button, this way we could all fly the same route together ,without having extra flightplans slowing down the servers etc.

I've noticed a few weeks ago that when we try to do this, some pilots are now saying that the flight doesn't go through anymore, using the above procedure.

just wondering if something has changed in the way the client works compared to the way it was before?

i could export the complete flightplans ( we have lots in the VA) and import them twice for three times, to create extra duplicate routes, but this would slow down the response time when trying to book flights, search for flights , edit routes etc.

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Re: Group Flightplan issue

Post by joefremont » Tue Feb 13, 2018 5:58 pm

We actually don’t support that right now although a co-pilots feature is something I have had on the back burner for some time but there are other issues that are of higher priority.

We had problems with single pilots trying to fly multiple flights at the same time so we put some effort into trying to detect it.
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Re: Group Flightplan issue

Post by Cat » Fri Feb 16, 2018 7:47 pm

Hi Eric,

How many flight routes do you guys have? We have just over 3600 and the server times don't seem that bad.

One trick you can do is batch upload the same flight number - FSA will accept multiple entries of the same flight number.

1) Export your master flight plan list to txt file
2) scroll down and find the flight you plan to fly
3) copy the entire line
4) open new notepad and paste
5) copy that line and paste as many times as needed for pilots of the day
6) save file with a name you can easily understand (airport code_airport code_number of pilots)
7) Import txt file to FSA flight plan make sure you have ADD FP not REPLACE FP checked.


now everybody can book the same flight

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