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Landing Lights - Wrongly Pinged

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:21 am
by iClunk
Hi all,

I just completed a flight and the client pinged me for not having landing lights on below 1000ft when in fact I had them on above that. I know for sure they were on because I saw them on the runway when I came into land. Could this please be fixed to I can get my rating back up 5 points :D


Re: Landing Lights - Wrongly Pinged

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2008 3:48 pm
by CAPFlyer
First, please do not use the forum for personal flight modification requests. If you need a flight reviewed, there is a link at the bottom of the flight log page for that flight and you are prompted to put in a reason for the review request.

As for the problem, are you sure it was the Landing Lights and not the Taxi Lights that you saw? The reason I ask is because the client is very good at detecting the state of the landing lights, but some models are very bad at not using the correct triggers and thus the landing lights in the sim never come on because the author of the aircraft tries to be "cute" with the way they design the model and make things worse.

What aircraft model (type & author) were you using?