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Re: Server Problems

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:48 am
by joefremont
I re-opened it to platinum members, so our CEO's can do there end of month reports.

Re: Server Problems

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:44 pm
Surely this will be back online soon??

Whats the point in the VA's without statistics and leagues!

Why dont you just improve your hosting

PM Sent

Re: Server Problems

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:18 am
by CAPFlyer
Umm, considering that all CEO's still have full access to the statistics, I'm not sure what's "broken". If you live and die by your statistics versus other VA's on this network, then maybe you need to reconsider why you're running a VA. When this network was founded, it wasn't about who could fly the most miles. It was about each VA operating in a semi-realistic environment and enjoying the additional challenge of the hobby. There was never any intention to cause the kind of bickering and outright cheating that was brought on by making the statistics public. In my opinion, we should've never made them public because they've never been anything more than a point of conflict for a very few users while most others just used them for their own airline and never looked at what other VA's were doing. Thus, there's no real need for anyone beyond the VA's staff to see the stats, and I really hope that Joe, Konrad, and Claudio consider not putting the statistics back up for public view and ranking. It'll save everyone a major headache.

Re: Server Problems

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:10 am
by joefremont
I have just uploaded an update to the statistics screens. The system now pre-calculates the data and caches so that when you ask for the data you it can display it much more quickly than before. One thing to consider is that it calculates this a few minutes after midnight (GMT) and if you fly after that it won't be shown until the next day. Also if you catch it as its recalculating the numbers may not be 100% accurate. Other than that it should be pretty much as it was before. I did add the ability to show stats for the last 7 days.