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Pilots Must Fly from last location

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 5:09 pm
by ASV001
Hi everybody, I would like to know, is the system forcing pilot to fly a route from the last aircraft location airport? If so it become strictly confused to book a flight, if a pilot fly a plane from a hub, and reach a certain airport BUT he doesn't do the back leg, another pilot is not able to fly the same aircraft from our hub to another destination if the aircraft doesn't come back before, am I right? If so it is a little bit frustrating because I need to buy tickets everytime to reach the aircraft location and forced to fly a leg that I don't want to fly. Is there a solution for this or simply the system is so real based (and I appreciate it) that we will have no choice to do something differently?
Thanks and sorry for so long post. Have a nice day all

Re: Pilots Must Fly from last location

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 7:34 pm
by Stan
HI,You can transfer the aircraft.there are 2 options,Standard transfer and Instant transfer.Of course the instant transfer will cost more but it would solve your problem.Stan

Re: Pilots Must Fly from last location

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 12:25 am
by joefremont
Its been requested before by airlines being annoyed that pilots would fly somewhere and not return the aircraft hub. In that case the requester wanted to charge the pilot for the transfer back or block the pilot from buying a ticket. We did not do anything as both options seemed to be beyond what a corporation is capable of doing.

The problem with this is how to control it, every VA would be different and trying to come up with something did anything useful that would be understandable would be difficult.

Besides a note from the VA CEO saying do that again and your fired would probably do the trick.

Re: Pilots Must Fly from last location

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 2:31 pm
by ASV001
Ok, that's a very REAL RELATED system and I personally like it very much. Thank you for answering, nice day all.