Landing rate

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Landing rate

Post by haeriphos » Mon Jan 07, 2019 2:37 am

I notice that the client often times logs a very different rate than my LRM client. For example, I just logged -234 in LRM and it registered as -628 in FSA. I understand these won't always match but that's a pretty big difference. It would be nice if the FSA client would show you the landing rate before you choose to submit the flight. In that particular case I would have canceled the flight and re-flown it later to salvage my pride. Now Cat will mock me ruthlessly in Discord.

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Re: Landing rate

Post by joefremont » Mon Jan 07, 2019 6:59 am

The interfaces we use tell us the VS at the point we read it, and when close to the ground we read 20 times a second, so we use the last reading before touch down.. FSUIPC does have a value we can read described as
Vertical speed whilst airborne, not updated whilst the “on ground” is set. Can be used to check hardness of touchdown (but watch out for bounces which may change this).
But simconnect does have it and I am not sure if XPUIPC implements it. I can experiment with it but not sure it will give a better value and not sure if I can replicate it for the other interfaces.
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Re: Landing rate

Post by haeriphos » Tue Jan 08, 2019 5:02 am

Just displaying the landing rate in the client before we submit the flight would be very helpful. I can live with the discrepancies if it increases compatibility with other platforms, and I feel we should all be judged using the same data points anyhow. Thanks for looking into it!

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Re: Landing rate

Post by AdySmith » Tue Jan 08, 2019 10:09 am

Look at your VSI as you approach the runway.

Keep it below 500 for a good touchdown :)

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Re: Landing rate

Post by gcl » Wed Jan 09, 2019 8:47 am

A popup would be enought. "Your landing rate was over xxx, are you sure, you want to report this embarrassing flight?" ;-)
To keep it serious, yes, it would be good to see the lr in the client before submitting.

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Re: Landing rate

Post by wings138 » Sun Jan 13, 2019 2:09 am

Interesting topic, I have been using VASFMC 2.1 with the Project Airbus A380-800. This fmc program gives a landing rate as well, I've compared it to what FSAirlines Client reports, and they are usually very close.

Real World Guild Lines (or Standard Operating Procedures), anything over -100 and I'm sure under like -500, but you can't always have perfect conditions, and if your like me and push the limits of PC with Prepar3d, sometimes there are loading moments or other issues that all at once cause a flicker.

I tell all my pilots just try to keep it under about -650 I think is when it will report a hard landing. If someone is doing lots of hard landings and I have to fix the aircraft all the time, then they might get talked too...

It's not always possible to watch the decent rate and the runway at the same time, just practice landings and you'll get the feel for when you flare and how much...

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