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747-8 flys in 20min

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 6:38 pm
by flightsimer
the first 747-8 will fly in about 25min if you can catch it.

edit, due do weather, they have pushed the first flight back about an half hour.

Re: 747-8 flys in 20min

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:10 pm
by flightsimer
engines just started. they have confirmed, that in about 20min it will taxi out to the runway. so if you still havent tuned in, you have time.

Re: 747-8 flys in 20min

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:30 pm
by flightsimer
shes taxiing out, proabably less than 5 min till takeoff

Re: 747-8 flys in 20min

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:42 pm
by flightsimer
@ 12:39 Pacific time, the 747-8F took to the air!

Re: 747-8 flys in 20min

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:55 pm
by CAPFlyer
Tyler, I know you're excited, but this technically does constitute spamming. In the future, please try to only make a couple of posts about the event. If we want to see the event we will, otherwise, just a summary of the results after posting that it's about to happen would be more than effective. :)

BTW, looks like they're about half way through and no major issues reported.

You can also follow the flight via FlightAware -