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Not directly related to Flynet but...

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 6:06 pm
by MMattyK
Has anyone had any issues using Navigraph FMC data updates?

I've just downloaded and insstalled the current cycle for FSNavigator, Wilco, and PDMG. The good thing is that my FMC's on start up show the same cycle and in date :)
The rather odd thing is that the information doesn't seem to be the same across the board, but it may be me, hence the post.
I flew today into Dublin Rwy 28 (EIDW) with the new data. The PDMG 737-800 showed one frequency and approach heading, which the radios couldn't lock onto (which tied in with the real world current AIP information) and FSnavigator showed different information, which, when tuned, the radios did lock onto and a succesful approach and landing was carried out :?
Anyone any thoughts of what I've done wrong, or similar tales to tell regarding discrepencies of this nature?

Incidenatlly I don't suppose that version of Flight Sim makes a difference? I'm running FS2004 if that's any help

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 7:12 pm
by CAPFlyer
FSNavigator shows what your scenery shows. The PMDG FMC uses whatever's in the nav database. The problem is that you need to update your Dublin scenery with the new ILS frequency. There is scenery available to do this on the major addon sites as the frequency was changed after FS2004 was released.


Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 7:33 pm
by MMattyK
Thanks for the hint... I can understand the difference in approach headings, but why would that affect the radio frequencies?