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Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:12 am
by haal
Sorry for all the virtual flight mates if they have analysed and treated this situation the issue in any other post.
It turns out that when we go to fly for long paths and all circumstances the PC crashes or power failure occurs or any event that made missing your flight booked through the system FSANET. After many hours of flight time including many mid-flight, after having travelled three quarters of it or next to intercept the localizer and the unexpected happens. This means you lose a flight extensive. The discomfort, anger, rage and obscenities we reach the mind are a lot of care. I even dare say that such situations stressed to anyone.
Propose through this theme: That the program managers, analyse and explore ways to give and give a longer period of time the client before it cancels the long flight we have been made since our departure and that allows us to recover the flight of some manner.
It is very unpleasant to have to restart the flight from departure airport then for example, more than eight hours have been flying along the route. This time could be between 20 to 40 minutes while it solves the situation.
Notably missing a flight so long causes: loss of time, wear on the computer and of course the anger caused by the situation.
Those crewmates to share the following proposal. To invite very cordially you to support managers with FSANET comments on this topic.
Please excuse me again I am not know that if the issue was already discussed. I would know much thank indicating the position of the post to read or what were the results.

With all the respect your deserve ...


Hebert Africano


Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:24 pm
by Konny
Hello Hebert,

I'm sorry you have all these troubles with FSAirlines. To investigate this, can you please tell every pilot of your VA who has this problem that he should send me the debug file together with the exact date when he did the flight? To


Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:29 pm
by CAPFlyer
Mr. Africano,

Let me make sure I am understanding your situation properly. You have pilots whom are attempting to fly long-distance flights and they are suffering computer failures or power failures during these flights. Am I correct?

If so, then I doubt there is anything FSAirlines could do for you because you didn't complete the flight. It's not the fault of the client or the network that your user(s) are suffering these problems, thus it's not the network's problem to fix them. If you are unable to have reliable power service or you suffer from frequent PC crashes, then you need to take measures yourselves to mitigate the issue by doing things like flying shorter flights or using time acceleration for longer flights when such problems may be an issue. FS9 has a known memory leak. If you have not installed the 9.1 patch or looked for other solutions that are available elsewhere, then I suggest you look them up. If your PC is crashing, then I suggest you find why and fix that as it is not the client's issue.

I'm sorry that you guys are having issues with long flights, however I don't think it is the responsibility of a 3rd party to fix your problems for you. I've lost more than a couple flights of various lengths due to failures, but I don't blame the client for it, I blame myself when I screw up or those responsible when it's due to something else. We have discussed in the past allowing resuming of flights, but the problem that kept coming up is a technical one - how does the client make sure that the data is all good? Especially when many addon aircraft have problems with not saving all the needed information and thus having issues with when you resume a saved flight things like fuel and landing gear positions having to be reset. As such, it means that the client would have to interfere and force things to reset to the right status, increasing complexity and going away from the "read only" design that's worked so well.