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Fictitious Airports in FlyNET?

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:13 am
by Dave Athay
I greatly enjoy being allowed to add airports to the FlyNET database, and have used the feature to add a couple already. They have all been real airports, and I've used the best data available.

My question is for the management, and also to see what others here think: May we add airports to the database which do not exist in the real world? For example, if I wanted to add my own private airstrip somewhere, for which I'd created scenery in my sim, would I be able to add it to the database so I could go there in FlyNET? Or is the intent of the management to limit the database to "real" airfields?

Personally, I would be in favor of being able to add a "fictitious" airport to the database. In the real world, there's nothing stopping me from creating my own airport, provided I own enough land and go through the applicable government process for registering it.

There are also a lot of great freeware sceneries out there for airports which do not exist in the real world, but are nevertheless fun to fly to in the sim.

I'd also like to include a poll for the general public of FlyNET to weigh in on this one.

Thanks, and happy flying!

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 5:19 am
by CAPFlyer
My personal opinion is no.

Why? There are a TON of real world airports that still don't exist within the FlyNET database. Why should we even consider adding ones that don't exist in the real world when there's plenty to go around already?

Second, FlyNET doesn't discriminate between whether an airport really has airline service or not at this point nor does it restrict what size of airplane can go into any airport. As such, as long as you can safely land at an airport, what is restricting you from turning what in the real world is a nearly abandoned former military base into a bustling international hub?

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 1:43 pm
by tjbaughn
Yes, I think it should be ok and let’s think of it this way. In your belongings you can purchase a runway and home why not be able to fly to your private runway. By the way it's just a game and games are made to have fun with!

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:32 pm
by IslandBum
I say no

Simply because we have submitted some very nebulous airstrips ourselves at VHA and had to submit proof of their
exsistiance and validity - I believe that airfields that have been closed or built over should be allowable (in context)
for instance the airfield at Lympne in Kent that was for many years Skyways home base and played a pivotal role
in the cross channel air ferry and "coach air" operation, Southmost on the big island in Hawaii that was once the refueling stop
for traffic from the US to the south pacific but is now under 40 feet of lava flow. But adding airfields for the sake of it
is a little absurd and takes away from the reality of the sim . But thats just my opinion.

Oh yes btw VHA has a really nice fictional airfield on the south shore of Maui close to Kaupo but we would never think of adding it - its for fly-ins etc ,



Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 3:49 pm
by joefremont
I say NO.

While I have no problem with adding airports that existed at one time to recreate historic routes, adding fictional airports will take away the realism and could cause conflicts with real airports.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 5:41 pm
by Myrm
I too voted no.

I have to say that I really don't see the point of it, after all there are so many thousands to choose from.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 6:02 pm
by Miikoyan
I voted no too. Sorry m8. I follow popular

JK, I am opposed to this idea because, as other people said, people might get confused between a real airport and a fake one.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:54 pm
by alemaobaiano
Sorry, I'm voting NO too, as others have said there are many real world airports not in the database (I still have about 20 to add here just so that I can set up executive operations). A passenger demand function could make such an idea viable in the future, but at the moment there is nothing to stop someone creating a megahub in their back garden.