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Captain Sim C130 hercules

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:24 am
by MMattyK
Morning All :)

I'm trying to correct some of the issues with the above payware item. I have already found an issue after a brief look at the .cfg file (incidenatlly, there is only 1 cfg file for all models supplied) and have noted a couple of areas of interest that according to the aircrfat data that I have, need addressing. I've put my findings on our airline va (Brussels Busy Jet) but would be interested at the views of other operators, and if they've made any tweaks to the supplied config file as well.
I don't know if the admins can help and keep an eye on L100-20 and L100-30 stats to see if we all have similar results from our flights.
the first 4 flights I have done in type (-20) have been done with the original config file, the last flight I did was after correcting the propeller diameter to 13.5 feet (it was set to 13 feet) as the (displayed) max torque available from the engines was far too low. This change seems to have increased to torque slightly in the correct direction, but I didn't notice any noticeable changes in fuel flow through all stages of flight.
I've also noticed that the minimum pitch is set to 8 degrees (it should be 6) and for max reverse should be -6, but I'm not sure where to put these figures in in the config file. Can anyone assist with this as the prop ellor section in the SDK isn't too descriptive as to what the minimum prop beta angel refers to, and whether the reverse pitch angle is put in this place or not.
I am also planning on checking the engine (N2) speeds, the reduction ratio and the prop rpm is correct (when governed above 94%).
Would welcome any modelers input to see if I'm being nuts or not in trying to chase the figures...
Thanks guys

Re: Captain Sim C130 hercules

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:53 pm
by CAPFlyer
I wouldn't mess with the CS C-130 Matt. The performance is pretty close to the real thing. They made compromises in the CFG to get the Constant-Speed Turbine model to work right because no matter what you do, unless you do an Accusim-style module that runs completely external of the program, the sim thinks all turboprops are free-turbines, which the T-56 isn't.

Re: Captain Sim C130 hercules

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:35 am
by MMattyK
Hiya Buddy :)

Found that out when putting in the 'real' engine parameters (for N2, governed prop speed and reduction ratio) in the .cfg file which would give the correct 100% governed prop speed of 1021 rpm, instead of the originals around 2200 rpm. The indicated Torques and PTIT's were far closer to the 'real' indications, but the fuel flow was all wrong, and the model acceleration/performance was miles out... it struggled to get to 80 kts on the runway at all-up weight.
The only thing I have left changed is the min beta prop angle is now 6 instead of 8, and the prop diameter has been corrected to 13.5 feet instead of 13.

I may still have a play with the figures as a background project, as I'd like to be able to create a nice model myself one day, but I'm having too much fun flying others at the moment.

Re: Captain Sim C130 hercules

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 4:32 am
by CAPFlyer
Are you sure you have the most up-to-date model? I've got a lot of hours in the CaptainSim C-130 and never had a problem with the fuel consumption being low and the performance was pretty spot-on for any weight, especially in FS9

Re: Captain Sim C130 hercules

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 12:09 pm
by MMattyK
I got it from Just Flight within the last couple of weeks, and in the model I have the engine limits at take off cannot be achieved (19600 Tq, or 1083 PTIT), nor can the 1010 PTIT be achieved for standard climb performance, and the Oil temp cannot be kept within normal operating levels (with oil coolers either fully open, or in auto, on the ground or in the air).

When looking at the engine/prop section of the config file, I found that the prop diameter doesn't match the prop fitted to the Hercules, and the min beta angle was 8 instead of 6.

There are lots of bits that don't match the Engine data, so wanted to have a go and see what happened when you put in the correct figures for N2 rpm, and the correct engine gear reduction to gave a prop rotational speed of 1021, but with these figures, the aircarft would not accelerate on the ground to achieve lift off.

Ths kinda made me think about if it possible to use 'real' engine data to produce a 'simulated' engine within Flight Sim that has the same engine performance as the real thing?

I was hopeing we may have some developers amongst us (me not being one... yet) who could shed light on the issue.

Re: Captain Sim C130 hercules

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:48 am
by CAPFlyer
Unfortunately, unless your aircraft fits a very specific niche, putting in the real numbers won't end up with a properly flying aircraft. There's a lot of "black magic" to how FS works on that side and I've spent the better part of a decade trying to figure it out myself with very little success. I've had some successes here and there making final tweaks on flight dynamics that someone else did most of the work on, but it takes a lot of time to get it all working right. With the CaptainSim aircraft, they're using gauges to make the constant-speed turboprop engine to work right, so using the real engine numbers don't work unless changes are made in the gauges handling the engines to compensate for it.

Basically, unless you're making a Single Engine Piston, Twin Engine Light Twin (no radial engines), Modern Jet with High-Bypass turbofans, or a Turboprop powered by the PT-6A or its family, then putting in the "Real" numbers will result in failure every time. Even the default DC-3 is a kludge of the Baron flight model (there is only one "piston engine" model, not one for low-horsepower, low-displacement GA engines and one for high-horsepower, high-displacement radials). That's why I got out of doing most development and left it to people who could devote a lot more time and are much better at gauge programming than I can hope to be to do the work.

Also, you say you have the JustFlight Herk, I'm not sure that the aircraft has the same flight model as the CaptainSim aircraft does. I'd get on the CaptainSim forums and make sure there aren't any patches. I've had the Herk since release and got it straight from CS, so I have no clue what differences may be present in the JF version.

Re: Captain Sim C130 hercules

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:21 am
by MMattyK
Hiya Chris :)

Thanks for that... and as you say there are a lot of things in the SDK for FS9 that I just don't have an idea about.

I've been onto JF but they say taht because of the partnership between themselves and CS is no longer in force, they cant help with the issues that I have.
I think that its an area that i'd like to continue playing with however as I'd like (one day) to 'build' a DeHavilland Flamingo. I know it will mean 'borrowing 'bits' and/or learning lots of new skills to acieve the aim, but it will be a nice project... for when I have the time lol...
Anyone have the sound files for a Bristol Perius XVI engine (well it would be a start lol)?

Re: Captain Sim C130 hercules

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:56 pm
by CAPFlyer
If you want to do a Flamingo, I'd head over to the Classic British Flightsim website - and join the forum. They have a "Developers Corner" and lots of great resources of guys who like Classic British aircraft like the Flamingo and would be able to help you.

Re: Captain Sim C130 hercules

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 7:26 am
by MMattyK
Once again,

Thanks buddy :D