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acer una larga ruta

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 10:00 pm
by aerolineaspato
Since maple tree can a route of segu to lemdl from equator to españa sine can put mas of 20 % with a boin on 747 :roll: :lol:

Re: acer una larga ruta

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 11:14 pm
by CAPFlyer
Please use either English or Spanish, not both.

Re: acer una larga ruta

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 11:35 pm
by alasizon
I'm going to take a guess and say its a bit spammy as the authors previous posts seem the same way.

Re: acer una larga ruta

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 12:09 am
by CAPFlyer
Well, he's got a real account, he's submitted support requests.

Re: acer una larga ruta

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 7:47 am
by MOW
I'm used to speak porkiñol, a mixed of Portuguese and Spanish, because I'm not so good in foreign languages, quite a lot of Globish (global English that all non native are understanding very well) and Natish (the NATO english...)

First time I read Spanglish. Quite funny and impossible to understand... :lol:

Re: acer una larga ruta

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 10:17 pm
by CAPFlyer
I honestly think most of his problem is he can't spell. If he could, whatever translation software he's trying to run this through would do a good job of translating.

Re: acer una larga ruta

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 7:12 am
by MOW
I do agree ! Playing RPG through internet, I like to play foreigners and to mark this, they are making comments in foreign languages I even do not know and I will never learn. I'm using REVERSO and if you keep a simple sentence, it is providing a quite good translation.

Re: acer una larga ruta

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 5:53 pm
by aerolineaspato
yo solo quiero acer una ruta de ecuador a españa o portugal con un 747-400 y el sistema solo me deja cargar 20% porque el aministrador de aerolineaspato javier

Re: acer una larga ruta

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 12:28 am
by alasizon
aerolineaspato wrote:yo solo quiero acer una ruta de ecuador a españa o portugal con un 747-400 y el sistema solo me deja cargar 20% porque el aministrador de aerolineaspato javier
La razón de esto es debido al factor distancia. La distancia entre los dos aeropuertos más probable es muy corto y por lo tanto, así que la cantidad de pasajeros será pequeño. Tratando de un avión más pequeño nos puede acercar más a su máxima capacidad y el beneficio.

Re: acer una larga ruta

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 1:08 am
by CAPFlyer
Matt, Ecquador to Spain or Portugal is quite a ways. :)

I'm still not quite understanding the question though, and I think part of it is because he signs the post at the end and it confuses the translation software.

Please tell me if I am interpreting your question properly -

You are wanting to create a route from Equador to Spain or Portugal with a 747-400 and you've tried to upload it but it isn't working because it says the aircraft doesn't have enough range. Is this correct?

If so, it is probably because you are planning the flights for the 747-400D instead of the 747-400. The 747-400D (Domestic) has a shorter range than the 747-400 because it is designed for short, high volume routes, like what you are using it for within South America.

=====(Google Translation to Spanish)=====

Matt, Ecquador a España oa Portugal bastantes maneras. :)

Sigo sin entender la pregunta, sin embargo, y creo que parte de ella se debe a que firme, el cargo al final y se confunde el software de traducción.

Por favor, dígame si estoy interpretando correctamente su pregunta -

Usted está queriendo crear una ruta desde Ecuador a España o Portugal, con un 747-400 y he tratado de subirlo pero no funciona porque dice que el avión no tiene rango suficiente. ¿Es esto correcto?

Si es así, probablemente es porque usted está planeando los vuelos para el 747-400D en lugar de los 747-400. El 747-400D (nacional) tiene un alcance más corto que el 747-400, ya que está diseñado para rutas cortas, de gran volumen, como lo que usted lo está utilizando para dentro de Sudamérica.

Re: acer una larga ruta

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 6:04 am
by alasizon
Ha Ha Chris.

I just realized I skipped the whole Ecuador part. All I read was "Spain or Portugal" as "Spain to Portugal"

Also, I wonder if it could be the price factor affecting it.